Frequently Asked Questions
What forms of payment do you accept?
We accept credit cards and checks.
Can I get PDF copies of the manuals I order?
Once we complete your manual, we will email you a PDF version of the final document.
Can I share manuals with others in my organization?
Yes, you can share manuals within your organization. Most of our manuals are marked with a copyright. As a customer, you have permission to print, copy, and distribute your manual to anybody within your operation, your parent company, or the FAA. The copyright only prohibits you from distributing the manual to any other external groups.
Do you provide customer support?
We provide consultations for prospective customers free of charge. Once you purchase a manual, we can revise your manual at any time for a fee.
Are there any subscription fees or recurring costs?
There are no recurring fees for purchasing manuals, although some of our services do include subscription or other fees. Clients who store and view their manuals in our Manual Management System pay a subscription fee for that service. We also offer Revision Service for our IOM. For a fixed fee, we will keep your manual updated according to the latest guidance.
Do you use templates for your manuals?
All of our manuals start with a template. However, we always modify the template to create a custom manual to specifically fit your needs. The final document may have some common elements with another operator’s manual. However, it will also contain unique material that makes it perfectly suited to your particular operation. This is important, because an auditor can tell if an operator has a boilerplate manual that does not specifically describe their operation.
Can you send me a Word document of my manual?
We are not able to release editable versions of our manuals due to copyright issues. However, we will provide a PDF version.
How long does development take?
We work with your schedule, so development time will vary from operator to operator. However, the average development time is one to three months. This includes online sessions, time for you to review the document, and additional revisions, if needed.
What if the FSDO rejects the manual?
The FSDO never actually rejects manuals, but they may return them for corrections. Black River Aerospace includes the possibility of corrections in the initial fee, so you will never pay an addition fee for these corrections.
We already own an approved manual, or a set of approved manuals, and need them updated. Do you offer these services?
We can update your existing manuals. However, because of the time it takes to familiarize ourselves with manuals created by others, updates usually cost more than having Black River Aerospace create a new custom manual for you. Because we constantly update our documents as guidelines change, we recommend opting for a new manual. If there is content in your existing manuals that you would like to continue to use, we can take those sections and incorporate them into the new manuals that we create for you.
We need to update our RVSM Manual from domestic operations to international. Is this possible?
Yes. Adding the international section to your procedures manual is not a problem. Once completed, it will have to be submitted to the FAA for approval.
Can you apply to the FAA on my behalf?
In most cases, our clients submit the manuals we create for them to the FAA. However, Black River Aerospace can deal directly with the FAA if you and the FSDO agree that Black River will do so. As former POIs, we speak the language of the FSDO.
What is the timeframe for approval?
We will get your manuals back as soon as possible, but the amount of time it takes depends on how quickly you provide required documents as well as your local FSDO’s workload. FAA approval can take two weeks or up to six months. Black River will do everything possible to work with your timetable if you need your manual quickly.
The FAA just returned my manual. What is the next step?
Please send us the notes or letter from your POI and we will make all necessary corrections.
Do I need to sign up for the IOM/RVSM Revision Service?
This service is optional (except for Bermuda registered aircraft, in which case it is required). However, we highly recommend this service as a cost-effective way to keep your manuals up-to-date. If you do not subscribe and you need to update your manual later, the updates will cost more than the price of the subscription.
Is there a requirement for aN ADS-B Out LOA/OpSpec (A153/A353)?
As of November 2018, National Policy Letter 8900.491 decommissioned LOA/OpSpec A153/A353. You will still need ADS-b procedures in your International Manual if you are operating outside the U.S.
Is applying for an LOA different for internationally-based N registered aircraft?
Applying for an LOA with an internationally-based N registered aircraft is not much different than applying with a U.S. based aircraft. We will find the IFO (International Field Office) for you to submit to. Everything will remain the same.